Sunday, February 15, 2009

advantages of whole life insurance

Whole life insurance is also known as cash value insurance or permanent life insurance or even life insurance. It provides insurance protection for all life, as long as the premiums paid. These awards are decided at a fixed interest rate. It also invests a portion of insurance premiums and creating a savings or cash value, which gradually created and deferred taxes. This cash value can be borrowed or. Such a transaction may result in a reduction or cancellation in the event of death. In the case of the following four conditions, a whole life insurance purchased.

  • is it possible to pay the premiums and the required cover

  • the savings in life insurance will not be required for at least ten years

  • the policy is affordable and has good prices

  • There is a need for more tax deferred savings

Advantages of whole life insurance
Some of the main advantages are as follows:

1 - Premium Level
In term life insurance, the premium increases during the renovation. In the case of whole life insurance, the premium remains constant. It does not increase with time. Also, if dividends are used, the premium to be paid are minimized.

2 - in the event of death
The death benefit does not decline in the total life insurance. When death occurs, this death is not a federal tax. Like the requirement that the death benefit may be accepted as a lump sum amount or a monthly pension.

3 - Cash value
Unlike other life insurance, the whole life insurance accrues cash available. As the policyholder pays premiums, that money goes on increasing. In the case of the surrender, the policyholder receives the cash values. This cash value is tax deferred.

4 - Dividends
A participating whole life insurance has a function of dividends. These are like cash. They can be used to transfer the premium to the interest or purchase a paid-up additions.

Other advantages of whole life insurance

  • The policy ensures a high degree of safety

  • Insurance for a lifetime

  • Deferred tax generates cash

  • some loans and withdrawals are tax-favored

  • a non-participating whole life insurance has relatively fewer out-of-pocket premium

  • in the participating whole life insurance policy, the dividend can be used to purchase paid-up additional insurance, and this results in the increase of the nominal value of the reporting

  • in limited payment whole life insurance, the premiums for a limited number of years, while the coverage is for the entire lifetime

  • in the single premium whole life insurance there is a large premium, and hence the policy has a direct NPV

  • in indeterminate premium whole life insurance, the premium is adjustable, but never more than the maximum value in the policy

  • the policyholder can borrow a loan with the cash value as security

Types of whole life insurance
In non-participating whole life insurance, there is a constant premium and face value for the entire duration. The cost of this policy, but not all pay dividends.

A participating whole life insurance is a function from the payment of dividends. These dividends are a result of low mortality, investment income and cost savings. However, it is not justified by the fact that such dividends shall be paid to the policyholder. They can be used for a variety of purposes.

The above two categories of total life insurance policies have a variety of options such as:

  • Level premium whole life insurance

  • limited payment whole life insurance

  • single premium whole life insurance

  • indeterminate premium whole life insurance