Thursday, February 12, 2009

accident life insurance

What Is Accident Life Insurance?
Accident life insurance, sometimes called "accidental" life insurance, "accidental death" insurance, or "accidental death and dismemberment" insurance (which is partly also health/disability insurance) can be a rider on your current policy that has special conditions for paying out in the case of a sudden death caused by a totally unforeseeable accident. Typically, this payment is in addition to the face amount of the policy that would be paid out if the insured died of natural causes such as old age or an illness contracted after the policy was in force. This additional payment is typically 1.5x or 2x the death benefit on the main policy.

The insurance industry defines accidental death as "any death strictly due to accident." So, deaths due to war, deaths form illegal activities like dealing drugs and getting shot to death, or deaths that result from personal pursuits considered inherently dangerous like shark cage diving will not be covered. Airplane crashes, car accidents, and these days maybe even terrorist attacks would be covered.