Wednesday, April 1, 2009

pros and cons of whole life insurance

That's a serious mistake. If you die during the term of this insurance policy, your family will receive a lump sum payment, which can help to cover a number of costs as well as provide some degree of financial security at what will inevitably be a difficult time.
95 percent of the population have a normal intelligence with IQs ranging from 70-130. Without a will, the court will appoint a guardian for your children who may be someone you do not even know.WHAT ARE THE ELEMENTS OF A WILL?What you generally need to make a will:1) Your name and place of residence;2) Names and addresses of spouse, children and other beneficiaries, such as charities or friends;3) Alternate beneficiaries, in the event a beneficiary dies before you do;4) Name and address of an Executor/ Executrix to manage your estate;5) Name and address of an alternative Executor/Executrix, in the event your first choice is unable or unwilling to act;6) Name and address of a guardian for your minor children;7) Name and address of an alternative guardian, in the event your first choice is unable or unwilling to act;8) The age you wish your minor children to have control of their inheritance;9) Any burial requests you may have (cremation, where you want to be buried, etc.);10) Your signature;11) Two Witnesses' signatures; and12) Notarization.Two of the most important items included in your will are naming a guardian for minor children and naming an Executor/ Executrix.WHAT IS A GUARDIAN?In most cases, a surviving parent assumes the role of sole guardian.
And There goes the roof over your head...Literally!Consider a Home Equity Loan for Debt Consolidation if:You won't be leveraging your home so much that you are borrowing pretty close to, or more than, the current market value of your home.You can pay it back in 5 years or lessYou are in debt because of unusual circumstances, like an unexpected accident or hospital bill, but for the most part you have excellent money management skills.DON'T use a home equity loan for debt consolidation if:You are going to have to borrow 100%-125% of your home's value. Note: Be tactful.Request a loan workout package, complete and return the forms as instructed.Secret: When completing the financial statement after all expenses are subtracted from the net, you must show at lease haft of your mortgage payment as a residual to qualify for a workout.Secret: When giving your hardship statement, do not tell your mortgage lender that you mismanage your money, that is a sure case you will be deny.Do not contact your lender’s attorney, they work for your lender not you, they can’t help you.Tip: Give your lender all require documents.